Jahir Rayhan Dhaka Traders

Since establishing the Dhaka Traders in 2012, we have moved forward with the development of Bangladesh industries, primarily through trade with overseas manufacturers. In recent years, we have also poured energy into overseas development and are currently carrying out local business smoothly from our bases in nine cities.


Nowadays, the business environment for general trading companies such as ourselves is changing drastically from one day to the next, thanks in part to developments in break though technologies such as the IoT and AI, and at an astonishing pace.

Amid this, we intend to be a company that not only fulfills the roles it has played up till now as a trading company, but also quickly provides services and ideas that only we can offer as value-added, that respond to customers’ diverse needs on time, and that walks together with our customers and at times even pulls them along.


Founder & CEO

Contact Us

Office Address

House-24/A, Road-42, Gulshan-2
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

Call Us

+88028834004, +8801623924469, +8801819859594

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